Wednesday, February 20, 2013

December Student of the Month Winners

The student of the month category for December was commitment!

Congratulations to our 3rd grade winners:
Jannet Ceballos-Duran, Briley Dietz, Grant Randolph, Colwell Bibb, Landon Stricklin, Jo'Onna Johnson, Kayla Griffin, Avery Fox, Ashton Coviak, and Benjamin Jackson.

Our overall 3rd grade winners were:
Briley Dietz-Overall winner
Colwell Bibb-1st Runner Up
Grant Randolph-2nd Runner Up

4th Grade winners
Dakota Bauer, Ava Jobe, William Penley, Shamaree Williams-Sanders, Molly Appleton, Jamie Brown, Sophie Payton

Jamie Brown-Overall Winner
Molly Appleton-1st Runner Up
Dakota Bauer-2nd Runner Up

5th Grade Winners
Audrey Phillips, Jala Clarke, Joshua Strong, Alexandria Garth, Mikyah Stover, Karelin Brito, and Trevor McClain

Audrey Phillips-Overall Winner
Xzaria Williams-1st Runner Up
Jala Clarke-2nd Runner Up

Arbor Day Winners

 Congratulations to two Leon Sheffield 5th graders on being named a 2013 Arbor Day Poster Contest Winner.
 Alexandria Garth (left) placed Second in the contest, and Emily Hixon (right) recieved Honorable Mention.


Here is the latest newsletter containing information about our school! 

Leon Sheffield News for February 11,
Coin Drop was a wonderful success. Thank you for your supporting donating towards our school.
5th grade Camp McDowell information will come home this week.  Please be looking for it.  It will come home by student, by email and will be posted on the website.
Every Tuesday night in February is DCMS Spirit night at Domino's! Flyer was sent home last week and is attached! pizza-night-2-11-2013-14-29-35.pdf
Dates of importance in chronological order: 
February 20 – TWIN DAY!
February 21 – Musical Work Night!
Febraury 22 – Black History Program at 1:30, please join us!
February 25 - March 1 - Read Across America/Dr. Seuss Week.
February 27 – Book Character Day.
March 1 - Students will be going to the Princess Theater to see Leon Sheffield's production of Beauty and the Beast at 11:00. Sack lunches will start at 10:00.
Parents please send in your children's miles that you are running at home to be counted on the running logs at school. The forms are posted at each school near the gym. We are counting miles ran at school as well those at home for the marathon. Please send in your forms to register. The incremental marathon needs to be completed by the Delano Mile, which is March 21.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you for sharing your children with us,
Rachel Poovey