Leon Sheffield Magnet School Chapter
Selection Procedures
1. Candidacy
Fourth and fifth grade students’ academic records are reviewed to determine those who meet or exceed the required cumulative GPA of 95. These students are then identified as candidates.
2. Candidate Data Collection
Students who are eligible scholastically (candidates) will be notified and informed that for further consideration for chapter membership, they are to complete the Candidate’s Form. This form outlines the candidate’s accomplishments in the areas of Responsibility, Service, and Leadership. Those forms must then be submitted by the given deadline, as well as signed by students and parents that the content is complete and accurate.
3. Faculty Input
Faculty members will be given an evaluation form on which to rate each student with whom they have contact based on his/her demonstrated level of responsibility. This information will be combined with additional ratings regarding the candidate’s attendance and discipline obtained by the Chapter Advisor from the school’s official records.
4. Candidate Review
The Faculty Council, consisting of a teacher from grades three, four, and five, will review each candidate’s form in conjunction with the information obtained through faculty input. The Scholarship and Responsibility of each individual candidate will be reviewed carefully. Afterward, the Faculty Council votes on each candidate. Those receiving a majority vote will be invited for induction into the chapter. Any candidate not selected will have reasons noted.
5. Principal’s Review
Prior to notifying candidates, the Faculty Council’s deliberations will be reported to the principal for approval. A list will be provided of selected and nonselected students, as well as any reasons for nonselection. This will assure the support of the administration before notification.
6. Notification
Selected candidates and their parents will be informed, in writing, about the selection as well as the date for the induction ceremony. Any nonselected candidates will also be informed, in writing, addressing the reasons and the process for being selected the next year. After invitations are accepted or refused, the induction ceremony plans will be finalized.