Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Turkey Bowl 2012

Leon Sheffield, led by Coach Albert and Mrs. Byrd, hosted the highly anticipated Turkey Bowl a few days before Thanksgiving.

The students showed fantastic sportsmanship skills, played hard, and had a fabulous time.

Several students from Mrs. Davis' class posing on the sideline

Congratulations to Mrs. Watkins' class-3rd Grade winners!

Mrs. Parker's class having a team huddle before the game.

Fourth grade playing hard.

Congratulations to Mrs. Upton's Class--Overall 4th Grade Winners!!

Several of Mrs. Williams' students.

Turner Stepp tossing the ball.

Congratulations to Mrs. Williams' class--Overall 5th Grade Winners!

Thanks Coach Albert and Mrs. Byrd for all of your hard work!  The kids already can't wait until next year!

Preparing for Thanksgiving

While the Turkey Bowl was going on, students across the school were preparing for Thanksgiving.  

Students from Mrs. Brannon's class pretended to be pilgrims and race across the Little Theater. 

Mr. Holmes' class had a great time playing hop-scotch.

Fifth graders enjoyed sharpening their football skills for the turkey bowl! 

November Student of the Month

The category for student of the month for November was initiative. 

3rd grade winners
Alexis Kindread, Heaven Mayes, Kadi Redmond, Kari Erickson, Kelsey Brown, Edwin Pascualas, Banks DeMent, Tyler Olive, and Brian Brown.
Overall Winner-Banks DeMent
First Runner Up-Brian Brown
Second Runner Up-Tyler Olive

4th Grade Winners
Lucy Sedlak, Ian Jones, Josh Martin, Hudson Hatfield, NyKia Hampton, Grace Crawford, and Noah Flood

Overall winner-Lucy Sedlak
First Runner Up-Ian Jones
Second Runner Up-Grace Crawford

5th Grade Winners
Parker Vandine, Gonzalo Reyes, Smith Coon, Lauren Cagle, Iman Fouche, Tamyra Tidwell, Endiya Cook

Overall Winner-Smith Coon
First Runner Up-Parker Vandine
Second Runner Up-Gonazalez Reyes

Congratulations to all of our winners!

Gobble Wobble

Leon Sheffield and Ben Davis combined forces to host the Gobble Wobble 5K and Fun Run.

November 18th was gorgeous, and over 150 people participated! 

Anxious runners at the start of the 5K.

Our delicious cookie cake! 

Here are our students about to run the 1 Mile Fun Run.

Turner Stepp was the first person across the finish line.  Way to go! 

Mr. Coon passing out medals to our finishers.

Dale Hartzog proudly displaying his medal.

Even our faculty and staff participated in the 5K and Fun Run.

Thank you Heather Coon, and all the faculty, and parents that helped make this event such a success!

Ugly Mug

Have you ever wondered what teachers do after school?  Well, a few times during November, we worked together to make Ugly Mugs?

Dr. Poovey and Mrs. Upton working on their Ugly Mugs.

Mrs. Brannon posing with her mug.

Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Jones, and Miss Plunkett working on their mugs.

Here is Mrs. Watkins' finished product! 

Thanks Ms. Miller for a wonderful time!

All City Music Festival

Several students from Leon Sheffield were invited to participate in the All City Music Festival.  Students from every elementary, middle, and high school take a day to practice singing or playing their instruments together.  In the evening, there is a concert that displays everything they have worked on.  
Our students were great leaders, and did a wonderful job performing.  
At the concert, there was artwork displayed from several of our students.  Everything looked great!

In Decatur City, we are very fortunate to have wonderful music and art programs.

Thanks Mrs. Farris, and Ms. Miller for all of your hard work!

Veteran's Day

In honor of Veteran's Day, LSMS students prepared a musical program containing many patriotic songs, and the song from every branch of service.  

3rd grade performing

4th grade performing

Select students got to read a piece they had written on what a true hero was.

Centerstage performed several hits.  

Thank you Veteran's for attending our program, and serving our country!